Note: These posts were written a while ago and might be out of date.
Monitor Go Agents with Graphite
Say we want to use Graphite to monitor free memory on all Go agents. There are many ways to do it (e.g. cron job, free -s) but you will have to set it up on each agent. Here is one way to do it using a combination of Go’s features.
We’ll send data using the plaintext protocol.
echo "local.random.diceroll 4 `date +%s`" | nc ${SERVER} ${PORT};
I find redirection cooler, so:
echo ”server-name.freemem 23 `date +%s`” >/dev/tcp/carbon-server/2003
where 23 is percentage free memory. To get free memory as a single number, we use this tip:
free | grep Mem | awk '{print $4/$2 * 100.0}'
Thus, we have the following Go custom command that also reports hostname dynamically:
<exec command="/bin/bash">
<arg>echo "`hostname`.freemem `free | grep Mem | awk '{print $4/$2 * 100.0}'` `date +%s`" > /dev/tcp/carbon-server/2003</arg>
Next, we set up a timer trigger based pipeline (with a dummy material, fetch set to false) so that it runs this command every x seconds.
To ensure that it always runs on the agent you want to monitor, you could use a job resource with value equal to the hostname of the agent. On the other hand, you could check run-on-all-agents on the job to monitor every agent - present and future, for now and ever!